Languages Competition for schools
Congratulations to the winners!
1st prize. Kylie Chen’s (Our Lady’s Bower school – Athlone) video.
2nd prize. Sandymount Park Educate Together.
3rd prize. Clare Keelin (Ardscoil Rath Iomgháin)
“Technology enhances my language learning experience”
This competition invites all language fans to describe their interaction with the use of technology in language learning.
- As a language learner, what do you think? Do you agree or disagree with this viewpoint?
- Does the use of technology in language learning inspire you?
- Do you enjoy on-line language learning? In-person language learning? Or do you prefer hybrid language learning?
- Which approach to language learning engages you most?
- What makes language learning fun, engaging, and exciting for you?
- Which digital tools (Apps, Podcasts, Websites, Blogs, Online games, Tech Tools, + AR / VR) make language learning enjoyable, motivating, and effective for you?
Describe your challenges and successes with the use of technology in language learning!
Competition details
What do you have to do?
You can submit any of the following:
- a Power Point presentation with images, graphics, visuals, audio, video embedded;
- a video recording of you presenting this topic;
- an audio recording of you discussing this topic;
- an audio-visual recording of you presenting & discussing this topic;
You can use any, or all, of the languages currently on the Languages Pathways website: French, German, Italian, Spanish. You may use appropriate images, graphics, visuals relating to the target-language culture.
- The competition is open to individual secondary school students.
- There will be individual winners for each of the following languages: French, German, Italian, Spanish.
We will consider
- Your foreign language use, overall communication skills and personal engagement.
- The quality of production, voice, and vision.
- Your overall content and message conveyed.
- Ensure you have a parent/guardian permission to participate.
- Submit a digital version of your recording by 31st January 2022 via WeTransfer: to email: [email protected]
- Remember to include the name of your school and your name and contact information.
Winning entries will be visible on the LanguagesPathways@TU Dublin website in the Let’s Share section, so please complete and submit the Consent form LANGPATH.
Shortlisting will take place by 7th February 2022 and Winners will be announced 21st February 2022. Prizes in vouchers for up to 250 euro for 1st, 2nd and 3rd individual entries.
If you have any enquiries, please contact [email protected]
Viel Glück! Bonne Chance! Buena Suerte! Buona Fortuna!