What are your top reasons for wanting to learn French?
Why choose French?
Why choose French if you want to learn a language?
10 good reasons provided by The French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs.
Why learn French?
How do Languages Connect answer this question?
How far will you go…?
Discover amazing talents and influencers…
Discover amazing talents and influencers coming from all around the World who learned French and went #plusloin! What about you, how far will you go with the French language?
Ten celebrities who speak French…
Melody Gardot talks in French…
Melody Gardot talks in French about her lately released album Sunset in the blue
Why learn French?
Follow the stories of Irish students…
Follow the stories of Irish students who lived French experience on Study in France – Campus France
How do Languages Connect answer this question?
French to understand and observe the world from an African perspective